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Ballot boxes open for electors in provinces to select their candidates for the 4th Parliamentary legislative term

Damascus, SANA- The Higher Judicial Committee for Elections on Monday announced opening the ballot boxes at all the polling stations for electors in the provinces to select their candidates for …

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Syrians head to polling stations to cast their votes in People’s Assembly elections(photos)

Damascus Hama Idleb  (Damascus countryside) Deir Ezzor Qamishli Homs Quneitra Aleppo Lattakia Sweida Hasaka Tartous Daraa liberated countryside of Raqqa

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Syrians head to ballot boxes this morning to elect their representatives in People’s Assembly

Damascus, SANA- Syrians will head to the ballot boxes at 7:00 am today to select their representatives in the People’s Assembly for the fourth legislative term. Amid remarkable competition between …

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4 martyrs in occupation bombing of areas in southern, central Gaza Strip

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-Four Palestinians were martyred and others were injured in Israeli occupation air force bombing various areas in the afflicted Gaza Strip. Wafa Agency reported that the occupation air …

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On the 282nd day of aggression…Martyrs and wounded in occupation bombing of various areas, Gaza Strip

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-The Israeli occupation continues its brutal aggression on Gaza Strip by land, sea and air for the 282th day in a row, targeting homes, displaced persons’ gatherings and …

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People’s Assembly elections tomorrow, with 1516 candidates competing for 250 seats

Damascus, SANA-The Syrians will head on Monday morning for the polling stations to participate in People’s Assembly elections. With the start of the electoral silence this morning and stopping all …

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Latest updates of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood”

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7: -On the 282nd day of aggression…Martyrs and wounded in occupation …

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Syria calls for global awakening to stop Israeli massacres in Gaza

Damascus, SANA-The Syrian government stressed that massacres in the Gaza Strip are being committed before the eyes of the United States and Western countries, and denounced that so-called initiatives to …

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Military personnel martyred, three others injured in Israeli aggression on the southern region, Damascus

Damascus, SANA-A soldier was martyred and three others were injured by an Israeli aerial act of aggression that occurred after midnight Sunday and targeted a number of our military sites …

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Syria gains Silver, bronze and certificate of appreciation at the International Biology Olympiad, Kazakhstan

Damascus, SANA-The Syrian scientific Olympiad students have won two medals, a silver, a bronze and a certificate of appreciation at the International Biology Olympiad organized by Kazakhstan during from July …

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