Polyansky: Security Council statement on Lachin corridor was not accepted because of France

New York, SANA- France prevented the implementation of proposals to resolve the tension around the Lachin corridor in the UN Security Council, said the First Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky.

“At the request of Yerevan, this process was coordinated by the French, who ignored the vast majority of our proposals, while taking into account the corrections of other members of the Security Council. The uncleanliness of such methods of Paris is obvious,” Polansky said in his telegram channel.

According to the diplomat, Russia’s permanent mission was determined from the very beginning to work constructively to develop a response from the Security Council.

He pointed out that unlike Western countries, Moscow is engaged in a solution in Nagorno-Karabakh, not in words but de facto. Thus, Russian peacekeepers ensure security in contacts with the parties and seek solutions to conflicting issues.

“I personally really want to believe that our Armenian friends will not indulge in unscrupulous geopolitical games to please those who do not hesitate to use every excuse to force the fraternal peoples living together in the USSR and to inflate even the slightest contradictions. problems in our house,” Polyansky summed up.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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