People’s Assembly reviews services provided by Health Ministry

Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly on Wednesday referred the bill on the occupancy for workers in medical professions to the government for revision based on the suggestions of the Assembly’s services committee which said that the bill is incomplete and doesn’t achieve social justice.

Assembly members said that the bill doesn’t meet the aspirations of medical professionals and doesn’t do them justice, describing it as being tailored to fit the needs of a small section of the medical community and that it may have negative repercussions on the health sector.

Following that, Health Minister Dr. Nizar Yazigi addressed the Assembly members’ queries on a number of issues pertaining to medical services, namely the Ministry’s steps to support hospitals and medical centers, ensuring the availability of medicine and equipment, providing services to citizens and injured army personnel, and combating certain diseases.

Yazigi reviewed the Ministry’s activities and efforts, asserting that it’s working hard to meet the health needs of all areas, including eastern provinces, with mobile clinics being directed to Aleppo, Homs, and Daraa on regular basis.

He asserted that work is being undertaken within available resources to rehabilitate hospitals and health centers that were affected by vandalism.

Hazem Sabbagh

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