Syria participates in the Katowice Climate Change Conference

Warsaw, SANA_ The 24th Conference on Climate Change continued activities in the Polish city of Katowice with the participation of Syria.

Deputy Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Mohamed Wadah Qatmawi,  emphasized Syria’s commitment to agreements related to the environment .

He pointed out that the terrorist war on Syria, operations of the so-called “International coalitions” and unilateral economic coercive measures imposed by some countries negatively affected Syrian efforts to protect the environment.

Qatmawi,  who heads Syria’s delegation to the conference, stressed that the developed countries should assume their historic responsibility for climate change and adhere to provide financial and technical support within the framework of international environmental conventions for the implementation of the national plans for carrying out the Paris Climate Convention and encouraging investment in national projects.

The conference activities  began on December 2 and will continue until Friday.



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