Premier Khamis to Armenian delegation: Need for setting joint vision for legislations that improve cooperation

Damascus, SANA – Prime Minister Imad Khamis on Sunday reviewed with Minister of Economic Development and Investments of Armenia Suren Karayan and the accompanying delegation prospects of cooperation in the fields of economy, investment, and tourism between the two countries, in addition to means of setting up solid bases for this cooperation in the upcoming stage.

Premier Khamis clarified the need for developing a joint vision for legislations that develop work between the two friendly countries, as well as the need for considering providing customs facilitations and the importance of the continuous work of the Syrian-Armenian joint committee, in addition to setting specific projects on the investment map in Syria.

Khamis pointed out that the historical relations and friendship between the two countries on the official and public levels should constitute the basis of the economic relations and commercial exchange.

He clarified that the Syrian government works on two directions; the first one is restoring the production process, and the second is boosting cooperation with friendly countries, calling upon Armenian businessmen and companies to participate in the reconstruction stage.

For his part, Minister Karayan clarified that the visit aims at developing economic relations with Syria and facilitating the entry of Syrian goods to the Eurasian region, as well as facilitating imports to Syria through Armenia, in addition to providing facilitations for the entry of Armenian goods into Syria and vice versa, and encouraging work in free zones between the two countries and transactions using the Syrian Pound.

The Armenian Minister stressed the need for building a clear vision for the Armenian participation in the reconstruction stage in the field of infrastructure, road and building construction, and the production of building materials.

Earlier, Director General of the Syrian Investment Agency (SIA) Inas al-Umawi reviewed with the Armenian delegation the investment opportunities available in the Syrian provinces and the facilitations provided by the SIA for overcoming any obstacles that may hinder joint cooperation.

She briefed the delegation on the required stages for investors to obtain licenses and the mechanisms of contracting and transferring money, as well as the services provided by the SIA to the investors and the post-investment stage, in addition to the legal aspects for investment in Syria and the advantages that may be given to the Armenian investors.

Armenian delegation discusses with Damascus Chamber of Commerce means of developing trade ties  

Later, means of boosting economic and trade cooperation between Syria and Armenia were the focus of talks between Chairman and members of Damascus Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors and the visiting Armenian delegation.

Head of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, Ghassan al-Qalla’ stressed the importance of this visit in reactivating the Syrian-Armenian trade, investment and industrial relations and expanding the joint Business Council with the aim of bolstering trade exchange between the two countries and exporting Syrian goods and products to Armenia and the neighboring countries.

Member of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, Nazareth Yacoubian, indicated to the key contribution of Armenian companies in rebuilding Syria, with stress laid on the need to encourage mutual visits and facilitate the entry of Syrian businessmen.

Minister Karayan noted that the visit’s main aim is to further develop bilateral relations and increase the volume of trade exchange though taking serious procedures to provide an entry of Syrian and Armenian goods into the markets of the two countries.

The two sides agreed to exchange visits and enhance cooperation between the Syrian and Armenian chambers of commerce, stressing the important role of Armenian businessmen in the reconstruction process launched in Syria.

R. Milhem / Hazem Sabbagh/Raslan/Mazen

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