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Provinces News

August, 2014

  • 29 August

    New 22-truck aid convoy sent to villages in northern Idleb

    Idleb, SANA – A humanitarian aid convoy was sent Thursday to several villages in the northern countryside of Idleb, coinciding with a visit of a delegation of representatives of a …

  • 28 August

    Idleb committed to offer medical and educational services to families affected by terrorism

    Idleb Governor Safwan Abu Sa’adi said Thursday the authorities are committed to offer the best medical, educational and social services to families affected by acts of the terrorist groups. Meeting …

  • 28 August

    Aleppo governor: Homeland needs everyone’s efforts for warding off risks

    Aleppo, SANA-Aleppo governor Mohammad Wahid Aqqad said the homeland needs the concerted efforts of all citizens to defend it and ward off risks and enemies. The governor was speaking during …

  • 27 August

    Six thousand food and health packages delivered to Daraa countryside

    Daraa, SANA – Sponsored by the Syrian government and in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and international organizations, the Relief committee in Busra al-Sham in the eastern countryside …

  • 27 August

    Homs governor: 6 schools to be opened in Homs city as school year approaches

    Homs, SANA-Homs governor Talal al-Barazi said that six schools are slated to be opened in al-Khodr and Bab Sba’ neighborhoods in Homs city after a three-year hiatus. All necessary measures …

  • 27 August

    War correspondent course kicks off at Media Institute in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA – With the participation of more than 25 trainees, the Mass Communication and Training Institute in Damascus started a war correspondent training media course on Wednesday. The course …

  • 26 August

    Syrian Tribes’ delegation proposes initiative to solve the crisis in country

    Hasaka, SANA-Syrian Tribes’ delegation, who has lately visited Russia, held on Tuesday a press conference in al-Qamishli, proposing an initiative to resolve the crisis in Syria. Faisal Abdul-Rahman , a …

  • 25 August

    Sheikh Hajri stresses importance of national unity and amity ties among Syrians

      Sweida, SANA Sheikh Akel of al-Muwahidin Muslims, Hekmat al-Hajri, stressed on Monday the necessity of preserving national unity and consolidating amity ties among the Syrians, in addition to respecting …

  • 25 August

    6000 food packages delivered to Idleb countryside

    Idleb, SANA- Sponsored by the Syrian Government, a humanitarian aid convoy of 9 trucks loaded with 6000 food and medical packages was sent to a number of villages and towns …

  • 24 August

    Homs Governor: Security in Homs facilitates aid efforts

    Homs, SANA – Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi said the governorate is giving all facilitations to provide humanitarian aid to all citizens in all areas indiscriminately. During his meeting with Representative …