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January, 2015

  • 28 January

    Almohannad Kalthoum, a unique filmmaking experience that documents the Syrian national concerns

    Damascus, SANA – Since he was unable to realize his dream in becoming a pilot in the Syrian Army to defend his country, Almohannad Kalthoum turned to another career that enables …

  • 20 January

    A hike in snow-covered coastal landscape…an experience of a lifetime

    Lattakia, SANA – Over a hundred young men and women celebrated the heavy snowfall which covered the landscape all across the country with an all white canvas over the past …

  • 13 January

    Volunteer campaign to keep children of Homs warm after snowstorm

    Homs, SANA – The severe snowstorm that hit the country over the past week has shifted focus, at least for the time being, of the volunteer youth campaigns to respond …

  • 1 January

    Army’s soldiers, officers: President al-Assad’s visit increased determination to defend Homeland

    Damascus, SANA-Syrian army’s soldiers, officers and popular defense forces stationed in Joubar affirmed Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad’s visit to them at the beginning of the New Year increased their …

December, 2014

  • 30 December

    Qualitative leaps achieved by Health sector in Syria in 2014

    Damascus, SANA- Over the current year, Ministry of Health has exerted all possible efforts to provide health care and its requirements in all areas including vaccines, medicines and equipments, in …

  • 29 December

    An Australian woman flees to Syria to marry ISIS terrorist

    London, SANA- A young Melbourne woman has reportedly ran off to Syria to marry an Australian playboy Mahmoud Abdullatif who has joint the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” …

  • 29 December

    The astrolabe, a part of Syria’s scientific history

    Damascus, SANA – Archeological discoveries and historical documents from various eras show a persisting interest in astronomy among Syrians throughout the stages of history, going as far back as the …

  • 28 December

    Syria celebrates Arbor Day with national work plan for protecting forests

    Damascus, SANA- Syria is celebrating Arbor Day by carrying a number of forestation campaigns which target areas and sites damaged by terrorism. The Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian devised a …

  • 27 December

    Foreign Jihadis increased in the fight in Syria.

    London, SANA- Fighters from overseas are increasingly dominant – and sometimes resented – force in the fight in Syria, The Guardian reported.  Muhammad no longer recognises his country. The former …

  • 25 December

    Former Guantanamo detainee released by the US in 2006 is now recruiting for ISIS

    London, SANA, A terror leader whom the United States released from the Guantanamo prison in 2006 has sent at least 2,500 jihadis from Saudi Arabia and some from Yemen to …