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August, 2020

  • 24 August

    Al-Khabiya archeological Souq in Aleppo renovated in cooperation with UNDP  

    Aleppo, SANA- The City Council of Aleppo, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), has completed the restoration works of the ancient of al-Khabiya Souq “market” and the …

  • 23 August

    Hasaka hill archeological site, the cradle of 3 ancient civilizations

    Hasaka, SANA- At the heart of Hasaka city on the left bank of al-Khabour river, 1,700 meters from the meeting point of al-Khabour and Jaghjagh river lies an ancient hill …

  • 23 August

    As Turkish occupation continues to cut off water, Hasaka suffers thirst amidst absolute international silence

    Hasaka, SANA-  Hasaka City and its western countryside extending from Alouk plant in Ras al-Ayn countryside to Hasaka City and the nearby villages, have been without drinking water for the …

  • 23 August

    Coronavirus worldwide death toll exceeds 808 thousand

    Capitals, SANA- The novel coronavirus “Covid-19” has claimed the lives of more than 808 thousand people worldwide since its appearance last December. Worldometer website which follows up the developments of …

  • 22 August

    E-books become more popular than print among Syrians during Coronavirus pandemic

    Damascus, SANA- The Coronavirus pandemic has affected most sectors as well as social and cultural habits, and one of those habits is reading; with the extended quarantine and lockdown periods, …

  • 20 August

    One million citizens threaten with thirsty in Hasaka as Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries continue to cut drinking water off

    Hasaka, SANA- For the 8th day in a raw, Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries in Ras-al-Ayn countryside continue to stop the operation of Alouk water project and to cut …

  • 20 August

    Okra cultivation in Lattakia…Good economic return, high nutritional value

    Lattakia, SANA- Okra is a summer crop and one of the traditional homestead crops in Lattakia Province due to its high nutritional value, suitability to weather conditions, low water needs, …

  • 19 August

    After five years of his martyrdom, archeologist Khaled al-Asaad icon of humanity, example of defending civilization

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian Arab and world scientific and cultural arenas commemorate the 5th anniversary of the martyrdom of Syrian archaeologist and head of antiquities at the ancient city of Palmyra, …

  • 19 August

    Syrian teenager sets world record in mental calculation contest in Morocco – video

    Qamishli, SANA- Syrian teenager Hussein Khaled Omar has set a new world record in the mental calculation contest “Flash Anzan” in the Grey Matter Program by teacher Ali Ashri which …

  • 19 August

    Engraving on copper … Traditional Damascene handicraft showcased at Arab and European homes – video

    Damascus, SANA- An iron hammer, pens for engraving and planning, a wooden base and a compass are the tools with which craftsman Ayman Zarda begins his daily journey to make …