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Business & Finance

October, 2020

  • 31 October

    Syria produces about 65,159 tons of pistachio for this season…Hama ranks first

    Damascus, SANA_ The Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform announced that the production of pistachios for this season reached 65,159 tons harvested from 7,700,000 fruit trees in six provinces. Director of …

  • 20 October

    In response to President al-Assad’s directives, the Cabinet approves a comprehensive plan to compensate citizens affected by fires

    Damascus, SANA- In response to President Bashar al-Assad’s directives to adopt urgent measures to ease the suffering of the citizens  affected by fires in Lattakia ,Tartous ,Homs and al-Ghab region, …

  • 19 October

    Farmers of HabNamra village in Homs countryside reap the olive trees that were not affected by fires

    Homs, SANA-The citizens of HabNamra in Wadi al-Nadara in the western countryside of Homs work in the orchards of the olive trees, some of them reap the fruits of olives …

  • 14 October

    267 hectares area to be increased in al-Ghab region to plant medicinal and aromatic herbs for the upcoming season

    Hama, SANA- The Director of the Plant Resources at the General Commission for al-Ghab Development, Eng. Wafeeq Zarouf, said that an area of 2500 hectares was specified for cultivating the …

  • 14 October

    150 industrial companies take part in Monthly Shopping Festival “Made in Syria” expo on Thursday

    Damascus, SANA- Chamber of Industry of Damascus and its Countryside completed the preparations for kicking off the 105th round of Monthly Shopping Festival “Made in Syria” expo on Thursday at …

  • 14 October

    President al-Assad instructs to work on providing soft agricultural loans for those affected by fires, Qatana says

    Lattakia, SANA- Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Eng. Mohammad Hassan Qatana affirmed that President Bashar al-Assad, during his tour in Lattakia province, instructed to work on facilitating the process …

  • 12 October

    Ministry of Internal Trade launches a donation campaign for citizens affected by fires

    Damascus, SANA- Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection, in cooperation with the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce, launched A campaign of financial donations for citizens who were affected …

  • 11 October

    Khan al-Saboun in Aleppo inaugurated after rehabilitation, making largest piece of soap in the world

    Aleppo, SANA – The smell of soap of ancient Aleppo city returned to its redolent again in Khan- al-Saboun which resumed life after its restoration and rehabilitation due to destruction …

  • 11 October

    Cultivation of peanut witnesses a big expansion in al-Gab region and production reaches to 5,000 tons

    Hama, SANA-The cultivation of peanut in al-Gab region in Hama province has witnessed a big expansion during the past few years in light of its good revenues and low costs …

  • 5 October

    Syrian delegation discusses practical and executive steps taken to complete cooperation projects between Syria and Russia

    Moscow, SANA- A work meeting was held on Monday between a Syrian delegation, headed by Presidential Affairs Minister, Mansour Azzam, and a Russian delegation that comprises the Ministries of Economic …