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Authorities free soldiers abducted by terrorists in Daraa

Sweida, SANA- The competent authorities in Sweida province liberated, in a special operation, a number of  soldiers abducted by Takfiri terrorist organizations in Daraa. A source at the province told …

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President al-Assad to Czech TV: Defeating terrorism will remove obstacles in front of any political process

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad said that terrorists are coming from more than 100 countries around the world to Syria, they want to make Syria a hub for terrorism. In …

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Petroleum Minister to PA: losses in oil sector reached $ 58 billion during crisis

Damascus, SANA- People’s Assembly discussed in its session on Tuesday, headed by Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham the performance of the Electricity Ministry and the Petroleum and Mineral Resources’ Ministry. The …

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Cabinet discusses a number of service and economic issues

Damascus, SANA-The Cabinet’s weekly session on Tuesday tackled a number of service and economic issues, mainly controlling prices, securing fuel and combating corruption. Chairing the weekly session, Prime Minister Wael …

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Ambassador Abdul-Kareem offers condolences to General Aoun on demise of his brother

Beirut, SANA- Upon the directives of President Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian Ambassador in Lebanon Ali Abdul-Kareem offered condolences to General Michel Aoun, Head of the Change and Reform bloc, on …

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Solidarity Day with Palestinian people celebrated in Damascus

Damascus, SANA, Al-Quds International Organization/ Syria held Tuesday a forum marking the International Day for solidarity with Palestinian people under the title ” Intifada till Victory” at the National Museum …

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Army establishes control over more areas, kills scores of terrorists across the country

Provinces, SANA- The army units, aided with the army air force, continued targeting the Takfiri terrorist organizations’ hotbeds, gatherings and hideouts in many areas across the country, inflicting heavy losses …

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civilian killed, another injured in terrorist attacks in Hasaka and Damascus

Hasaka/Damascus, SANA- A civilian was killed on Tuesday after ISIS terrorists blew up an explosive device planted in a house in al-Nu’maniyah village in al-Sabaa Skor area in the southern …

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First stage to clear al-Waer neighborhood from gunmen to be implemented next week

Homs, SANA- Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi said that an agreement was made between the reconciliation sub-committees to move weapons and gunmen out of al-Waer neighborhood, adding that all state institutions …

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“16 days campaign for eliminating violence against women”

Damascus, SANA- In coincidence with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25th, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Information kicked off the national …

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