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Syria and the World

February, 2016

  • 28 February

    Russia affirms Turkey’s shelling of Syrian territories, requests clarification from USA

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Defense Ministry confirmed Sunday that armed terrorist groups launched an attack from the Turkish territories against Tal Abyad city in the north countryside of Raqqa province. …

  • 28 February

    Syrian Mona Shoheiber gains a silver medal at World League of Karate Championship

    Damascus, SANA –Member of the national karate team Mona Shoheiber ranked the second gaining a silver medal for individual fighting of weight below 61 kg in the World League of …

  • 27 February

    Russian Foreign Ministry: Shaaban and Bogdanov discuss situation in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Presidential Political and Media Adviser Bouthaina Shaaban and the Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mikhail Bogdanov discussed in …

  • 27 February

    Shaaban: Upcoming parliamentary elections well-timed and in line with Constitution

    Moscow, SANA- Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Presidential Political and Media Advisor said that the date of the upcoming parliamentary elections which are due on April 13th is appropriate. Sputnik Russian News …

  • 27 February

    Al-Jaafari: Syrian government ready to help apply cessation of fighting actions

    New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said on Friday that the Syrian government has spared no effort, since the beginning of the crisis, to find a …

  • 26 February

    Security Council adopts resolution No. 2268 on cessation of combat activities in Syria

    New York, SANA – The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted resolution No. 2268 on cessation of combat activities in Syria. The council reiterated commitment to Syria’s sovereignty and …

  • 26 February

    Shaaban: Supporting Syria was headline of Valdai Discussion Club meeting

    Moscow, SANA – Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban said supporting Syria and solidarity with it was the headline of the Valdai Discussion Club meeting for international dialogue which …

  • 26 February

    Al-Jafaari re-elected Rapporteur for UN Committee on Colonialism

    New York, SANA- The Special Committee concerned of implementing the Declaration on the  Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples reelected Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari,  Syria’s Permanent Representative to the …

  • 25 February

    Shaaban.. An end should be put to behavior of countries supporting terrorism in Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban on Thursday said that an end should be put to the behavior of the countries supporting terrorism in Syria, pointing …

  • 25 February

    Minister of Water Resources discusses with ICRC prospects of supporting water sector in Syria

    Damascus, SANA- Minister of Water Resources Dr.Kamal al-Sheikha discussed with the Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Peter Maurer prospects of expanding cooperation to provide more support to drinking water …