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Syria and the World

September, 2016

  • 6 September

    Head of British delegation: Many lords and religious officials were pressured to not visit Syria

    Lattakia, SANA – Governor of Lattakia Ibrahim Khodr al-Salem discussed on Tuesday with the British delegation that is currently visiting Syria the situation in the province in light of the …

  • 6 September

    Iran strongly condemns terrorist bombings in Syria

    Tehran, SANA- Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi on Tuesday strongly condemned the bloody terrorist bombings which hit the provinces of Tartous, Homs, Damascus Countryside and Hasaka, claiming the lives …

  • 6 September

    Abdollahian: Tehran and Moscow follow up the strategy of supporting Syria in combating terrorism

    Tehran, SANA- Iran’s Shura Council Assistant Speaker for international affairs Hussein Amir Abdollahian asserted Tuesday that Tehran and Moscow are closely and jointly following up the strategy of supporting Syria …

  • 5 September

    Putin: Likely potential agreement with Americans about Syria will increase effectiveness of combating terrorism

    Hangzhou, China, SANA- The Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the possible agreement with the Americans about Syria will significantly increase the effectiveness of combating terrorism. During a press conference …

  • 5 September

    British delegation participates in prayer for peace in Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA- A prayer for peace in Syria was held on Monday at the Armenian Evangelical Bethel Church in Aleppo city with the participation of the British delegation which is …

  • 5 September

    Five more breaches of cessation of hostilities agreement observed

      Lattakia, SANA-The Hmeimim-based Russian Coordination Center monitoring the cessation of hostilities agreement in Syria announced that over the past 24 hours, the terrorist groups breached the agreement 5 more times as the total …

  • 4 September

    Russian Foreign Ministry: Lavrov discusses with Kerry upcoming steps to resolve crisis in Syria

    Hangzhou, China, SANA- The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed on Sunday with his American counterpart on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in …

  • 4 September

    Hasaka receives 60 solar-powered vaccine storage refrigerators provided by the UNICEF

    Hasaka, SANA – Health Directorate of Hasaka received 60 solar-powered vaccine storage refrigerators provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). In a statement to SANA reporter, Head of the …

  • 4 September

    President al-Assad warns of the danger of extremist mentality pervading the world

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad highlighted the importance of the visits paid by foreign delegations to Syria to the effect of exposing the falsification practiced by the Western media. …

  • 4 September

    Discussions to activate trade and economic cooperation between Syria and Iraq

    Damascus, SANA – Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Adib Mayaleh discussed on Sunday with the chargé d’affaires at the Iraqi Embassy in Damascus Riad Hassoun al-Tai means to activate …