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Syria and the World

February, 2017

  • 16 February

    24 people killed in new massacre committed by Turkish forces in al-Bab, Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA – The Turkish regime’s forces committed another massacre in the course of their continued shelling of al-Bab city in the eastern countryside of Aleppo province. Identical local and …

  • 15 February

    Al-Ja’afari: It’s too early to talk about optimism or pessimism with regard to Astana meeting

    Astana, SANA- Head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to Astana meeting, Bashar al-Jaafari said on Wednesday that the delegation held bilateral meetings with the Russian and Iranian friendly delegations, …

  • 15 February

    Aid shipments arrive in Lattakia provided by Armenia and Syrian community in Italy

    Lattakia, SANA – A new shipment of relief and medical aid provided by the Syrian community in Italy arrived on Wednesday at Lattakia Port. In a statement to SANA reporter, …

  • 15 February

    Syria dismisses HRW chemical weapons report as unprofessional and non-credible

    Damascus, SANA – The Syrian government denies categorically the false allegations brought up in the report of the Human Rights Watch (HRW) that the Syrian forces and their allies used …

  • 14 February

    Astana meeting on Syria postponed till Thursday

    Astana, SANA – Astana meeting on the settlement of crisis in Syria, which was scheduled for Wednesday, has been postponed till Thursday, SANA delegate to Astana said on Tuesday. Earlier …

  • 14 February

    Gatilov: Syria’s unity, territorial integrity is very important

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Tuesday that Syria’s unity and territorial integrity is undoubtedly a very important issue, adding this goes in line with UN …

  • 14 February

    Jaberi Ansari: Astana meeting will focus on discussing continuation of cessation of hostilities in Syria

    Astana, SANA – Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hussein Jaberi Ansari said that the Astana meeting on crisis in Syria, scheduled tomorrow, will concentrate on discussing …

  • 14 February

    Mounzer: UN should implement UNSC resolutions on counterterrorism and hold governments supporting it responsible

    New York, SANA – The charge d’affaires interim of the permanent mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations in New York, Minister Counselor Mounzer Mounzer, stressed Syria’s …

  • 13 February

    UNFPA delegation visits a clinic for SFPA in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA- A delegation from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) visited on Monday one of the Syrian Family Planning Association (SFPA) clinics in al-Halbouni area in Damascus. The SFPA …

  • 13 February

    Higher Education Minister, UNFPA Deputy Executive Director discuss cooperation

    Damascus, SANA – Higher Education Minister Atef Naddaf on Monday met Deputy Executive Director of the UNFPA Natalia Kanem, discussing with her means to develop and enhance cooperation, particularly in …