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Syria and the World

June, 2020

  • 24 June

    Archbishop Hanna: “Caesar Act” horrific crime that must be confronted

    Occupied Jerusalem, Beirut, SANA- Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia Atallah Hanna affirmed that the so-called “Caesar Act” is a is a horrific crime committed before the eyes of the world …

  • 24 June

    Moscow: Washington funded separatist militias in northeastern Syria through illicit trade in Syrian oil

    Moscow, SANA- Director-General of the Department of International Organizations at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pyotr Ilyichev announced that Washington has focused in its measures against Syria on encouraging …

  • 22 June

    Ala: Extending European sanctions on Syria and Caesar Act constitute crime against humanity

    Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Hussam Eddin Ala, said that European Union’s extensions of the unilateral coercive measures on Syria amid the Coronavirus pandemic, …

  • 22 June

    Lebanese Communist Party reaffirms condemnation of US coercive measures on Syria

    Beirut, SANA- The Lebanese Communist Party has renewed its condemnation of the unilateral US coercive measures imposed on Syria, especially the so-called “Caesar Act” Hanna Gharib, the Party’s Secretary- General, …

  • 21 June

    250 Syrian students arrive in Damascus International Airport coming from India

    Damascus, SANA- 250 Syrian students on Sunday arrived in Damascus International Airport coming from India in framework of the governmental efforts for the return of the Syrians stranded abroad due …

  • 20 June

    US website: “Caesar Act” fraudulent by claiming to protect civilians

    Washington, SANA- American “Antiwar” website affirmed that aggression which is being waged against Syria and its people by the US and its allies reached a new level this month with …

  • 20 June

    Federation of Arab Communities in Latin America expresses solidarity against military, economic terrorist war on the country

    Havana, SANA-The Federation of Arab Communities in Latin America (FEARAB America) condemned US unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria, and the so-called “Caesar’s Act” and the unjust criminal blockade on …

  • 19 June

    Syrian community in Germany stages protest against so-called Caesar Act, photos

    Berlin, SANA_ The Syrian community in Germany and the Syrian-German Forum on Friday staged a protest stand in front of the US embassy in Berlin in protest against the economic …

  • 19 June

    So-called “Caesar Act” targets livelihood of Syrians, proves brutality of US policy

    Moscow, SANA- Deputy Director of the institute of Forecasting and Settling of Political Conflicts in Russia, Alexander Kuznetsov affirmed that American unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria, particularly of the …

  • 18 June

    Tehran: “Caesar Act” economic terrorism, Iran will continue to enhance economic relations with Syria  

    Tehran, SANA- Iranian Foreign Ministry has asserted that the US unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria, particularly the so-called “Caesar Act” are a violation of the international law and human …