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Syria and the World

July, 2020

  • 16 July

    Moscow: Some Western states use humanitarian aid delivery mechanism in Syria for political purposes

    Moscow, SANA- The Russian Foreign Ministry has warned against politicizing the file of aid delivery to Syria, indicating that this mechanism is being used by some parties for achieving political …

  • 16 July

    Pakistani President affirms his country’s keenness on enhancing ties with Syria

    Islamabad, SANA- Pakistani President Arif Alvi stressed his country’s keenness on enhancing bilateral ties with Syria, describing them as fraternal and close. The Associated Press of Pakistan said that during …

  • 16 July

    Grospic: European colonial approach towards Syria unacceptable

     Prague, SANA- Head of the Czech Parliamentary Group for Friendship with Syria Stanislav Grospic affirmed that the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria target the Syrian people in all walks …

  • 16 July

    Iraqi parties and popular delegations express support to Syria in face of “Caesar Act”

    Baghdad, SANA- The Arab Trend in Iraq, the Popular Committee for Supporting Syria and the Resistance and many other national movements in Iraq have affirmed their standing by Syria against …

  • 14 July

    Ambassador Ala: Reports of International Investigation Committee about situation in Syria lacks minimum criterion of objective investigation

    Geneva, SANA-Syria affirmed its rejection of the reports of International Investigation Committee affiliated to the Human Rights’ Council about the situation in Syria which lack the minimum criterion of objective …

  • 14 July

    Nebenzia slams exploitation of aid delivery mechanism in Syria by some states

    New York, SANA-Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia slammed exploiting the UN mechanism for delivering cross-border humanitarian aid in Syria by some states in a way that contradicts …

  • 12 July

    Mikdad to Palestinian Deputy PM: Our mutual struggle against US and Israeli policies will restore our rights

    Damascus, SANA – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad received on Sunday Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Abu Amr. The Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister expressed pride in visiting Syria …

  • 12 July

    Security Council adopts resolution on humanitarian aid delivery in Syria through one border crossing

    New York, SANA- The International Security Council has adopted a draft resolution on the delivery of humanitarian aid in Syria through one border crossing for a one year. In a …

  • 12 July

    Arab Parties Conference condemns US economic sanctions on Syria

    Beirut, SANA-The General Secretariat of the Arab Parties Conference has condemned the economic terrorism practiced by US and its allies against the states of the resistance axis, particularly Syria, affirming …

  • 10 July

    Ambassador al-Sabbagh: OPCW decision on alleged use of chemical weapons in al-Latamina in Hama is politicized

    The Hague, SANA- Permanent Representative of Syria at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Bassam al-Sabbagh said that Syria sees a decision adopted by the executive …