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Syria and the World

September, 2021

  • 21 September

    Ambassador Khaddour : Members at IAEA exploit item of Safeguards agreement in service of their political agendas

    Vienna, SANA- Syria’s permanent representative to the UN office and other International Organizations in Vienna, Ambassador Hasan Khaddour, said that the item related to implementing the Safeguards Agreement in Syria …

  • 21 September

    On 30th anniversary of Armenia’s independence… Armenian-Syrian relations based on mutual respect

    Damascus, SANA-Armenia celebrates on Tuesday the 30th anniversary of its independence at a time when it seeks to establish relations based on open partnership and dialogue, enhance its security, maintain …

  • 21 September

    Russia, Syria to enhance bilateral relations

    Moscow, SANA- Special Representative of Russian President , Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed with a delegation of the People’s Assembly, headed by the Chairman of the Russian-Syrian Friendship Group …

  • 21 September

    Turkish parliamentarian calls for holding Erdogan accountable for his crimes in Syria

    Ankara, SANA- Turkish member of the parliament Ali Mahir Başarır has affirmed that the President of the Turkish regime, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, bears the responsibility for creating, financing and supporting …

  • 20 September

    Syria participates in activities of 76th session of UN General Assembly  

    Damascus, SANA- Syria participates in the activities of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly as the Assembly is scheduled to discuss issues and items on its agenda. The …

  • 19 September

    General Ayyoub pays an official visit to Jordan

    Amman, SANA- Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces, Defense Minister, Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayyoub paid an official visit to Jordan upon an invitation of Chief of Staff of …

  • 18 September

    President Raisi: Americans found Daesh organization and supported its terrorist acts in Iraq and Syria

    Tehran, SANA- Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, affirmed on Saturday that the presence of terrorists in Afghanistan poses threat to the whole region. “The Americans who found Daesh and supported its …

  • 17 September

    Ambassador Khaddour : Syria fulfilled all its obligations regarding Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty

    Vienna, SANA- Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, Ambassador Hasan Khaddour, affirmed that Syria has fulfilled all its legal obligations under the comprehensive …

  • 17 September

    First Pakistani flight arrives in Damascus International Airport

    Damascus, SANA- The first flight of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) arrived in Damascus International Airport on Friday afternoon from Karachi Airport, paving way for the return of air traffic between …

  • 17 September

    Ambassador Ala: Coercive measures that target Syria harm its efforts in development and reconstruction

    Geneva, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam al-Din Ala, affirmed that the Syrian Arab Republic condemns the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the country, indicating that …