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Syria and the World

October, 2021

  • 26 October

    Syrian-Lebanese-Egyptian tour on two stations within Arab Gas Pipeline project

    Damascus, SANA- A Syrian-Lebanese delegation accompanied by Egyptian technicians, have toured al-Rayyan Gas Station and al-Dabbousyia Station to check the readiness of the gas pipelines, in the framework of the …

  • 26 October

    An attack with explosive device targets Russian military convoy in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- A Russian military police convoy was targeted with an explosive device in Daraa Countryside, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. “At about 09:00 a.m., an improvised caseless …

  • 25 October

    Foreign Ministry: Israeli occupation aggression on southern region is desperate attempt to support its terrorist agents

    Damascus, SANA-The Israeli occupation perpetrated on Monday a new aggression on the southern region, as part of its repeated attacks on the sanctity and sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic …

  • 25 October

    Syrian community in Spain: bombing in Damascus evidence on failure of terrorists

    Madrid, SANA- The Syrian community and students in Spain affirmed that the terrorist bombing that targeted a military bus in Damascus last Wednesday is evidence on the failure of terrorist …

  • 25 October

    Al-Nusra terrorists in Idleb de-escalation zone continue attacks on safe areas

    Moscow, SANA- Terrorist organizations deployed to Idleb de-escalation Zone have continued their attacks on safe villages and towns in the countryside of Aleppo and Lattakia and the liberated part of …

  • 25 October

    Syrian sculptor recalls incident of Newton’s apple at a Russian art forum

    Moscow, SANA- Plastic artist Issa Deeb has brought to mind the famous Newton apple incident in a realistic and expressive manner during his participation with a sculpture at the international …

  • 24 October

    China condemns terrorist attack in Damascus

    Beijing, SANA-Chinese Foreign Ministry condemned the terrorist bombing that targeted a military bus in Damascus last Wednesday. “China strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Damascus,” Chinese media outlets quoted Chinese …

  • 24 October

    Russian Defense Ministry: Terrorists launch 7 attacks from Idleb de-escalation zone

    Moscow, SANA-The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced that the terrorist organizations positioned in Idleb de-escalation zone have carried out 7 attacks over the past 24 hours. Deputy Head of …

  • 23 October

    Terrorist bombing in Damascus represents culture of extremist organizations, Syrian students in Slovakia say

    Bratislava, SANA- Syrian students in Slovakia said that the terrorist bombing that targeted a military bus in Damascus represents the culture of extremist organizations. “Those criminal acts come in the context …

  • 23 October

    Al-Kizbari: National delegation put forward principles that reflect aspirations of Syrian people

    Geneva, SANA- Head of the national delegation to the meetings of the Committee of discussing the constitution in Geneva, Ahmad al-Kizbari, affirmed that during the 6th round of the Committee’s …