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Nebenzia: US committed crimes in Syria without any accountability

New York, SANA- Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, said that the US committed crimes in Syria without any accountability and continues to occupy part of its territory. …

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14 new cases of monkeypox reported in Spain

Madrid, SANA- Health officials in Spain reported 14 new cases of monkeypox virus in the country during the last 24 hours. The ministry stated in a statement that the total …

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One new COVID-19 case, 4 recoveries recorded in Syria

Damascus, SANA- Syria reported on Thursday one new coronavirus case and 4 recoveries, Health Ministry said in a statement. In a statement to SANA, the Ministry added that the total …

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Syria welcomes the positive results of cooperation between Chinese government and OHCHR

Damascus, SANA- Syria welcomed today the positive results of cooperation between the Chinese government and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the agreements that have been agreed …

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Russian MoD: 21 Ukrainian military sites destroyed, hundreds of extremists eliminated

Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov has announced that Russian high-precision air-to-ground missiles destroyed 21 concentration areas of manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian forces, …

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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbass- Latest Updates

Russian MoD: 21 Ukrainian military sites destroyed, hundreds of extremists eliminated Volodin: US does not want an independent Ukraine More than 1.6 million refugees from Donbass and Ukraine have arrived …

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Investment of Damascene Rose cultivation… promising opportunities, competitive incentives

Damascus, SANA- Aromatic and medicinal oils manufacturing projects need high tech, as their products need foreign export markets due to their high prices and the presence of great competitiveness by …

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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbass- Latest Updates

More than 20 thousand people evacuated from Donbass to Russia Donetsk: Foreign mercenaries not covered by issue of prisoner exchange with Ukraine 

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A Palestinian woman martyred by Israeli gunfire, north of Hebron, in the West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- A Palestinian woman was martyred on Wednesday by the fire of the Israeli occupation forces, north of Hebron, in the West Bank. Wafa news agency reported that …

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Lugansk: Ukrainian forces blew up a chemical container in Severodonetsk

Lugansk, SANA: The forces of the Lugansk People’s Republic have announced that the Ukrainian forces and their nationalist extremists blew up a container of chemicals in Severodonetsk city in Donbass …

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