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“Ishtar 2” event dedicated to help Syrian women and show their defiance of crisis

Damascus, SANA – The cultural event “Ishtar 2” started its activities on Saturday at Dar al-Assad for Culture and Arts in Damascus with the participation of 40 civil associations. The event entitled …

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The army continues clampdown, confronts terrorists infiltrating Idleb city

Provinces, SANA – The army and armed forces hunted on Saturday foreign-backed terrorists in many areas across the country, killing numbers of them, wounding others, and destroying their vehicles and …

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Mikdad: West breach of UN Convention prevented solving crisis in Syria

Beirut, SANA- Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad said the UN convention has no longer become the document which governs its role in today’s world. “One of the most …

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Russian media delegation visits SANA

Damascus, SANA-A delegation of Russian media institutions visited Thursday the Syrian Arab News Agency HQ in Damascus, inspecting the mechanism of work here. SANA Director-General Ahmad Dawa briefed members of …

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Al-Jaafari: Serry’s report ignored Israel’s occupation of Syrian Golan

New York, SANA- Syria’s permanent envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari “was shocked” over a report submitted by UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East  Robert Serry when he ignored …

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Syrian football team beats Jordanian counterpart 1-0 in a friendly match

Amman, SANA-Syrian national football team beat its Jordanian counterpart 1-0 in a friendly match held on Thursday in the Jordanian capital of Amman. Player Hamdi al-Masri scored for Syria at …

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Abdullahian: Syria’s victory over terrorism is very imminent

Moscow, SANA-Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for the Arab and African affairs Hussein Amir Abdullahian affirmed that Syria’s victory over terrorism is very imminent, saying that resistance, showed by the Syrian …

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Syria signs “UN Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration”

New York, SANA-Syria signed on Tuesday “the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration” at the UN General Secretariat HQ in New York. The convention was signed by …

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116 schools reopened in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- Education Directorate in the north eastern city of Hasaka reopened 116 schools in the regions of Tal Barrak and Tal Hmeis after the army and armed forces had …

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Syria calls on Human Rights’ Council to take steps to stop Israeli violations in occupied Arab lands

Geneva, SANA-Syria said on Monday that the Israeli continued occupation of the Arab lands since 1967, and Israel’s continued violations of the Palestinian and Syrian human rights affirms the important …

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