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Syrian Army establishes control over more areas in Aleppo and Quneitra

Provinces, SANA-The army and armed forces on Saturday established control over more area in Syria, killing large number of terrorists and destroying their criminal weapons. Aleppo Jaboul under control of …

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President Putin: Military operations in Syria aim to restore peace to country

Sochi, SANA-Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed on Thursday that the military operations in Syria come to restore peace and direct pre-emptive strikes against foreign terrorists before they return to their …

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Syrian economic delegation meets representatives of a number of Polish companies in Warsaw

Warsaw, SANA- The Syrian economic delegation, headed by Assistant Industry Minister Nidal Fallouh, met on Thursday a Polish delegation which represents a number of different, leading companies in the country. …

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President Putin discusses with a number of Presidents and kings outcomes of his summit with President al-Assad

Moscow, SANA-Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the outcome of the summit held with President Bashar al-Assad in Moscow on Tuesday with President of Egypt Abdul-Fattah El-Sisi, King of Saudi Arabia …

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Russian Defense Ministry: ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra started negotiations to “coordinate against Syrian army”

Moscow, SANA-Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov affirmed on Wednesday that terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra have begun to negotiate other terrorist groups, on top, the Islamic State in …

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Chinese official meets three delegations of internal opposition

Damascus, SANA- Secretary General of Solidarity party Mohammed Abu Qassem said that the Director General of West Asian and North African Affairs Department at the Chinese Foreign Ministry Wong Li, …

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Syria, Poland to enhance industrial and agrarian cooperation

Warsaw, SANA- A Syrian economic delegation, headed by assistant Minister of Industry Nidal Fallouh, discussed on Monday with Director General of Pol-Mot Holding S.A. Group, Andrzej Zarajczyk prospects of cooperation …

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Hundreds of terrorists killed in army’s operations in different areas

Provinces, SANA- The Syrian Army and Armed Forces, supported by the Russian Air Force, killed on Saturday large numbers of terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) …

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Shaaban, Shanghai city CEO discus cooperation in reconstruction and technology

Beijing, SANA-Presidential Political and Media Advisor, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban discussed on Saturday with Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shanghai city Chung Ming means of benefiting from the Chinese expertise in …

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Syria’s Olympic football team fails to gain title of west Asia, losing 0-2 to Iran

Doha, SANA-Syria’s Olympic football team lost 0-2 to its Iranian counterpart in the match held on Wednesday in Doha, Qatar, within Western Asia Cup finals. The Iranian team scored the …

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