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Tag Archives: President al-Assad

President al-Assad: Syria and its friends are bent on fighting terrorism

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad received on Sunday Iran’s Supreme Leader’s Senior Advisor Ali Akbar Velayati and Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian and the accompanying delegation. Syria …

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President al-Assad to French magazine Valeurs Actuelles.. Whoever fights terrorism somewhere, will protect the rest of the world

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad said..Whoever fights terrorism somewhere, will protect the rest of the world. President al-Assad added in an interview with the French Magazine Valeurs Actuelles Thursday that …

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Putin: Syria is a sovereign country, President al-Assad is elected by its people

Moscow, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Syria is a sovereign country and President Bashar al-Assad is elected by the Syrians and they alone can determine their future. In …

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President al-Assad phones commander of Kwairis Airport and leader of the force that broke the blockade on it

Aleppo, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday phoned commander of Kwairis Airport, Major General Munzer Zammam and leader of the military force that broke the blockade on the airport, …

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President al-Assad refers draft law for 2016 budget to the People’s Assembly

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad referred to the People’s Assembly the draft law for the 2016 state general budget, which is set at SYP 1,980 billion. The draft law …

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President al-Assad and President Putin meet in Moscow, discuss military operations against terrorism

Moscow, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad held talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Tuesday in the Russian capital Moscow. President al-Assad’s visit to Moscow came upon an invitation …

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President al-Assad: Iran and Russia’s efforts in support of Syria are highly appreciated

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad said Syria appreciates the Iranian ideas put forth to solve the crisis in the country. Speaking to Chairman of Iranian Shura Council’s Committee for …

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President al-Assad: New anti-terrorism coalition must succeed, otherwise the whole region will be destroyed

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to the Iranian Khabar TV channel. Following is the full text of the interview: Question 1: In the name of God, …

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Peskov: President al-Assad can’t be excluded, Merkel’s statements match

Moscow, SANA – Spokesman for the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said Syria’s destiny is to be determined only by the Syrian people and President Bashar al-Assad cannot be excluded from …

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President al-Assad performs Eid al-Adha prayers

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad performed the prayers of Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) at al-Adel Mosque in Damascus on Thursday. Senior Baath Party and state officials and …

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