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Search Results for: weapons

Army retaliates to terrorists’ breaches in Hama Countryside, foils infiltration attempt

Hama/Homs, SANA_  Syrian Arab Army units operating in Hama northern countryside retaliated with appropriate weapons to terrorist groups’ attacks on military points that protect civilians in safe villages and towns. …

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Russian source: Terrorists preparing for new chemical attacks in Syria

Moscow, SANA – A Russian source said that terrorist organizations are preparing to carry out new attacks using chemical weapons and toxic materials against civilians and army units in Idleb. …

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Army thwarts terrorists’ infiltration attempt towards liberated villages and military points in Idleb

Idleb, SANA – Army units thwarted an infiltration attempt of terrorist groups in the frontline of al-Zarzour village towards the liberated villages and the military positions working on protecting them …

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Moscow: Washington seeks to retract withdrawing its forces from Syria

Moscow, SANA_ Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Moscow had the impression that the United States was trying to back down from withdrawing its forces from Syria. “The presence …

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Army conducts precision strikes on terrorists’ dens in Idleb Countryside, foils infiltration attempts in Hama countryside

Hama, SANA- Army units conducted concentrated bombardments against positions of the terrorist groups in retaliation to the attack they launched against military posts positioned in the area to protect the …

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Shulgin: The West seeks to make OPCW a tool to undermine the political solution to crisis in Syria

Moscow, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin said that the West through politicizing the work of the Organization through …

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Army retaliates to terrorists’ breaches in Hama Countryside, inflicts heavy losses upon them

Hama, SANA- Army units retaliated to new breaches of the demilitarized zone agreement in Idleb by the terrorist organizations which tried to infiltrate from different directions towards a number of …

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Army foils terrorists’ attempt to sneak into military points in Hama Countryside

Hama, SANA_  An army unit has thwarted terrorist groups’ attempt to sneak into safe villages and military posts in Hama northern countryside in a new violation of the demilitarized zone agreement …

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War of liquidation among terrorists in Aleppo and Idleb countryside continues

Aleppo/Idleb, SANA – The liquidation and infighting among terrorist organizations supported by the Turkish regime continues in the western countryside of Aleppo province and southern countryside of Idleb province, leaving …

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Army units retaliates against terrorists’ breaches in Hama, inflicting losses upon them

Hama, SANA – Syrian Arab Army units operating in the northern countryside of Hama retaliated against breaches by terrorist groups that attempted to attack military positions. SANA’s reporter in Hama …

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