Lavrov: We hope dialogue with Turkey will lead to resolving issue of terrorist infiltration to Syria

Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia and Turkey can discuss all issues in the framework of bilateral dialogue.

“We can specifically discuss everything in the framework of our bilateral dialogue, even the most difficult issues, including the task of preventing the terrorist infiltration into Syria from abroad, the task of preventing the use of Turkish territory in support of terrorist organizations in Syria,” Lavrov said in a press statement following the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) meeting in the Russian resort city of Sochi.

“For the most part we have no disagreements on what groups should be considered terrorist”, pointing out that Russia and Turkey attach specific importance on”opposition groups” separating themselves from terrorists in Syria, Lavrov added.

He pointed out that those who do not want to get hit by Russian and Syrian airstrikes need to leave positions occupied by terrorists, adding that “our Turkish colleagues confirmed today that they absolutely agree with this logic.”

Lavrov announced that he and his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu agreed on resuming work of the bilateral working group to fight terrorism which includes representatives of foreign ministries and security bodies.

Manar al-Frieh/Manal

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