Lavrov, Kerry discuss solution to crisis in Syria

Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed on Tuesday with his US counterpart John Kerry issues on settling the crisis in Syria and means of boosting the cessation of hostilities agreement.

“Talks between the two sides, in a telephone call, dealt with solution to the crisis in Syria and boosting the cessation of hostilities agreement as well as combating terrorist organizations,” Russia Today quoted the Russian foreign Ministry as saying in a statement on its website.

Lavrov affirmed that it is very necessary to not turn a blind eye to Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization which exploits, in its acts, the opposition groups that bets on the US.

The statement added that the talks also dealt with aspects of resuming the Syrian-Syrian dialogue in Geneva which requires, according to the Russian side, the opposition to abandon “the bad practicing of the pre-conditioned provision.”



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