HRW documents Turkish border guards’ abuse against displaced Syrians

New York, SANA – Human Rights Watch (HRW) published on Tuesday a video showing how the Turkish border guards abuse the displaced Syrians who cross into the country.

According to HRW, “border guards used excessive force against Syrians trying to reach Turkey in March and April. Five people were reportedly killed, including a child, and 14 others were injured.”

“While senior Turkish officials claim they are welcoming Syrian refugees with open borders and open arms, their border guards are killing and beating them,” HRW researcher Gerry Simpson said in a statement.

He added that “Firing at traumatized men, women, and children fleeing fighting and indiscriminate warfare is truly appalling.”

The video which was released by HRW purporting to show the victims of the beatings and shootings depicted a bloodied body with bandages around his exposed torso and another male corpse is shown with red and purple marks all over his back and arms.

HRW published excerpts of interviews with four victims, five witnesses, and six local Syrian residents who described seven occasions in March and April in which Turkish border guards shot or assaulted 17 displaced Syrians and two smugglers.

Reem/H. Said

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