Moscow says support for Syria remains unchanged

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova reiterated Russia’s firm stance about the crisis in Syria.

Commenting on media reports about an alleged change in Russia’s approach to the crisis in Syria, Zakharova said that Russia is not involved in appointing or unseating presidents in other countries, including Syria.

She said that Russia had repeatedly called for resolving the crisis in Syria and for an unconditional implementation of Geneva communiqué of June 30th, 2012 and adherence to the international law, including respecting the states’ sovereignty.

“The blatant interference of some Western countries in the affairs of Middle East states led to an unstable region close to the European continent and multiplied the risks of terrorism and extremism,” Zakharova added.

She pointed out that thousands of refugees are scrambling towards European countries escaping from their turbulent countries, particularly from Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan.

Zakharova affirmed last Thursday that Russia will continue its support for Syria in its battle against terrorism.

Russia, Iran: No substitute to the political solution to crises in Syria and Yemen

Meanwhile, Russian President’s Special envoy to the Middle East, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed in a phone call with Iran’s Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hussein Amir Abdullahian the situation in Syria and developments in Yemen.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the two sides agreed that there is no substitute to a peaceful settlement in Syria and Yemen, in accordance with the rules of the international law and the items of the UN Charter.

Manar al-Frieh/Mana/Mazen

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