Alumni Association of National Center for Distinguished Students launched

Damascus, SANA – Ministries of Education and Higher Education launched Alumni Association of National Center for Distinguished Students on Saturday with the aim of supplying the educational domains with qualified scientific experts and to prepare a generation capable of assuming national responsibilities.

Higher Education Minister Mohammad Amer al-Mardini said in a speech at the launching ceremony at Damascus University that fostering academically distinguished people is a duty, adding that deepening culture of distinction and finding up means for discovering outstanding students could be achieved through finding the suitable atmosphere for their creativity in all fields.


Al-Mardini added .. the Ministry spares no efforts for developing means of upgrading the performance of distinction programs to boost this culture among students around the country.

For his part, Education Minister, Hazwan al-Waz, said .. after five years of launching National Center for Distinguished Students, its members proved that they are worthy and the Ministry works on providing high educational services and well-qualified teachers.

He pointed out that the aim of the Center is to continue what the students have achieved during the academic years until reaching university education, stressing the support provided by the Ministry to the center graduates so that they become real partners in building up the country.

Rector of Tishreen University Hani Shaaban underlined the role of the University in embracing the Distinguished Center, saying that the crisis left bad impacts on the center, whose headquarters was previously in Homs Province.
“Tishreen University provided an alternative place for it and equipped it with all requirements.”, he said

Head of the Association, Qussai Othman said the Association includes three batches of the Center graduates distributed in several university programs at Damascus and Tishreen Universities and the Higher Institute for Applied Technologies.


“The aim of the Association is to boost the scientific activities of the graduates and to support them in their pursuit of achieving the best results, in addition to bolstering the spirit of teamwork,” he added.

The National Center for Distinguished Students, established in 2008, aims at creating a national innovative manpower that contributes to supporting the development process in all spheres.
R. Milhem/ Barry

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