Polyansky: (Israel), Ukraine fighting same battle against humanity

Moscow, SANA- “Israel” and Ukraine are fighting a battle against humanity and international humanitarian law, Russian First Deputy Permaneant Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky has said.

“Ukraine and Israel are definitely fighting the same battle – against humanity and international humanitarian law!” the Russian diplomat wrote on his page on X.

“Together with the United Nations we will resist (Israel’s) attempts to present killing of civilians in Gaza in blatant violation of international humanitarian law as fight with terrorists. In the same way as Ukraine was trying to present its 10 year-long killing of civilians in Donbass as fight with terrorists and finally got rebuffed by the International Court of Justice,” Polyansky warned.

Polyansky described the words of the Israeli representative to the United Nations as mere lies and failed attempts to mislead public opinion regarding what Israel is committing against the Palestinians.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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