Agriculture minister discusses with his Saudi counterpart enhancing intra-regional trade

Rome, SANA- Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Minister Mohammed Hassan Qatana underlined the importance enhancing intra-regional trade and direct access of Syrian agricultural products to Saudi markets.

This came during Qatana’s meeting with Saudi Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Abdulrahman Al-Fadley on the sidelines of the 2nd United Nations Summit on Food Systems which is currently being held in the Italy capital, Rome.

Qatana pointed out the difficulties and challenges that affect the agriculture sector as a result of unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people.

The minister also referred to the difficulties facing the Syrian trucks heading to Saudi Arabia, and the need for finding common solutions and understandings for that.

He called on Saudi Arabia to join the Quartet Agreement signed between Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon on boosting trade cooperation which serves the common Arab interest in the field of exchanging the agriculture products.

Al-Fadley welcomed the idea of reactivating memorandums of understanding after holding of virtual meetings between professionals in the two ministries to find appropriate formats and operational programmes.

He underlined the strong relations between the two countries.

Shaza Qreima

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