Stands by children of al-Baath Vanguards Organization in protest against siege on Syria

Provinces, SANA-Children of Tala’i al-Baath (Baath Vanguard) organization in all Syrian schools and the main squares in all provinces staged stands to demand the lifting of the siege imposed on Syria, and the unjust coercive measures against childhood and humanity.

In Damascus, the children participating in the stand ahead of UN headquarters in Damascus carried national flags and banners calling for the lifting of the siege and sanctions imposed on Syria and its children.

“Do you know what it means for a child to open their eyes on the world to see war and destruction, to cry out in pain like other children, but he will not find a response to his screams, neither with medicine nor with food?” the children said in a statement addressed to the UN Secretary-General and the UN Resident Coordinator in Syria.

Head of the organization, Dr. Muhammad Ezzat Arabi Katebi, stated that this is a stand for the children of Syria because they are the segment that suffered the most from the unjust siege, which affected their daily livings, security, safety and dreams.


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