Sanctions against Syrian people war crime and a form of racism

Damascus, SANA-12 years have passed and the Syrian people are still suffering from the unjust blockade imposed by the United States of America and a number of Western countries.

Every day the US proves that it is far from responsibility and does not care about human rights as it claims and also proves that it is one of the countries that violates international laws and human rights.

The US deprives the Syrian people of their most basic rights, shortage in electricity, food and medicine. Meanwhile, the US occupation forces in Syrian Al-Jazeera are still looting and stealing the Syrian national resources, especially oil, gas and wheat.

Recently, an earthquake measuring 7.7 magnitude struck a number of Syrian provinces, it was raining heavily and at a stormy night, many people slept in the open, and the number of earthquake victims reached up to more than 1,200 lives and more than 2,000 injuries.

There are not enough vehicles or equipment to remove the rubble that was lifted by hands, and there are no fire trucks or ambulances, and America does not allow aid to reach Syria.

Sanctions against the Syrian people are a war crime and a form of racism, and they exist only to help terrorists.
Syria is a developed country and has provided humanity with a lot, but the sanctions that contradict international law and the principles of humanity have caused the wheel of development to stop and prevented it from rebuilding after that terrorist war.

Syria will rise again and will be stronger, just lift your blockade, as today we hope the international community will lift those sanctions against the innocent Syrian society.

Fedaa al-Rhayiah/ Mazen Eyon



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