Ambassador Obaid reviews latest developments in Syria during a meeting with Fia-Arab delegation

Havana, SANA- Syrian Ambassador to Cuba, Dr. Ghassan Obaid has reviewed the latest developments in Syria and the region during a meeting with a delegation from the Federation of Arab Communities in the American Continent “Fia-Arab America” and the Arab Union of Cuba.

During the meeting held at the headquarters of the Syrian Embassy in Havana, Obaid referred to the steps taken by the Syrian government to strengthen national cohesion, including amnesty decrees and numerous decisions aimed at facilitating the return of the displaced Syrians to their country.

Obaid referred to the difficulties that the Syrian people are exposed to due to the illegal unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on Syria, in addition to stealing oil and crops in northern Syria by the US occupation forces and supporting the terrorist groups positioned there.

He affirmed that, Syria thanks to the steadfastness of its people, the heroism of its army, the wisdom of its leadership, and the support of friends and allies, will foil all hostile schemes and every inch of its territory will be liberated.

Obaid stressed the importance of the role of the expatriate communities in showing the true picture of Syria and the positive measures and steps being taken in it away from the lies reported by the misleading Western media, which has practiced media misinformation since the beginning of the war on Syria.

Obaid also affirmed Syria’s welcome to the upcoming conference of “Fia-Arab America”, which will be held in Damascus next year and will be attended by delegations from Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Cuba, Uruguay, Paraguay and other Latin American countries.

Members of the delegation renewed their support and stand by Syria, the mother country of many expatriates in Latin America, expressing their confidence that Syria will triumph over terrorism thanks to the steadfastness of its people, its army and its wise leadership.

They expressed their rejection of the unjust war, the coercive economic measures and blockade imposed on Syria by European countries and the United States similar to the blockade that Cuba has been subjected to for six decades.

They affirmed that Syria is targeted due to its progressive role in the region and its defense of Arab causes and its demand for the liberation of the occupied Arab lands and the Syrian Golan.

The delegation pointed out that Syria has thwarted the plans against it, praising at the same time the efforts made by the Syrian government, despite all the difficulties, in the reconstruction and return of the displaced to the places liberated by the Syrian Arab Army from the control of armed terrorist groups.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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