Russian diplomat says Western countries could be helping Kiev to make dirty bomb

Moscow, SANA-Russia believes that some Western countries could be helping Ukraine to make a dirty bomb, Konstantin Vorontsov, a deputy director at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s non-proliferation and arms control department, said at a UN General Assembly First Committee meeting Tuesday.

“The goal is obvious: to accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction.

The Ukrainian government and its Western handlers expect that would set off a powerful anti-Russian campaign, undermine confidence in Moscow and its partners, and lead to the isolation of our country on the international stage,” the diplomat said.

“According to our information, the Ukrainian side has already begun to implement the plan. For example, the Eastern Ore Enrichment Plant in the city of Zhyoltye Vody and and the Nuclear Research Institute in Kiev have been tasked with making that type of a bomb. We don’t rule out that assistance in pursuing this goal is provided by some Western countries, which, according to reports we are receiving, are in talks with Ukraine to supply components for the dirty bomb.”

“According to information available to Russia, the Kiev regime plans to detonate that munition by disguising it as a malfunction of a Russian low-yield nuclear weapon, which would use highly enriched uranium as a charge,” Vorontsov said.

“We demand that the Kiev government and the Western handlers who control it stop taking actions that lead the world to a nuclear catastrophe and threaten the lives of innocent civilians, recklessly ignore Russian warnings in this regard and check the existing red lines in the nuclear area.”.

Manar Salameh /Amer Dawa

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