Solidarity stand for the Syrian community in Russia in support of military operation to protect Donbass residents

Moscow, SANA- The Syrian community and students at Russian institutes and universities staged a stand at Syrian Embassy in Moscow in solidarity with Russian Federation, its people and its army, during which they expressed their support for the friendly Russia in its defense of the Donbass residents.

Syrian Ambassador in Moscow, Riad Haddad, affirmed Syria’s support for the friendly Russian people in their rightful battle aimed at providing assistance to the oppressed people of the Donbass region and eradicating Nazism from Ukraine, thus protecting Russian national security from the danger of NATO expansion.

“The West witnesses fake media and political campaigns against Russia and the Russian army, and continues to recruit mercenaries and extremists from all parts of the world to plunge them into the battle against Russia,” Haddad said.

He added that terrorists are transported from Idleb, which is occupied by the Turkish regime, to fight in Ukraine and this is an evidence of what is happening is a war of the West against the world and not a Russian war against a neighboring country.

Haddad pointed out that the methods used by the West against Syria and before it against many countries are used today against Russia, which means that our battle and the battle of Russian friends are one against the West and its terrorist tools to serve their interests.

Haddad stressed that Syria’s stance regarding the Russian special military operation to protect the population in Donbass stems not only from the interest of its country and its people, but also from the interest of the entire world and its willingness to strengthen its struggle in order to reach a balanced world.

MHD Ibrahim/Mazen Eyon

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