Sabbagh: The West did not keep its promises to Russia, continued to send weapons to Ukraine

New York, SANA- Syria has reiterated that Western countries did not abide by the promises they made to Russia decades ago and continued to ignore Moscow’s legitimate concerns and send weapons and missiles to Ukraine without taking into account the repercussions of that on the security and stability of the region.

In a statement on Monday during the UN General Assembly’s emergency special session on the situation in Ukraine, Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh expressed Syria’s condemnation of the coordinated campaign launched by the Western countries and their media to undermine Russia’s right to defend its sovereignty and security and ward off threats to its people.

“What raises the question about holding this session is that despite the crises and major challenges that have faced the international community for decades and in which the Security Council has not been able to carry out its primary responsibility under the Charter in maintaining international peace and security, we have not seen enthusiasm in Western countries to hold such a special session. This indicates that these countries adhere to the policy of hypocrisy, double standards, and the wrong approaches based on interests and not principles,” Sabbagh said.

Sabbagh added that the UN memory is full of historical evidence of a wide range of illegal Western interventions and acts of aggression committed by the US and its allies in the NATO, in which millions of innocent people were killed, starting with the Korean War and later the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, in addition to imposing siege on the peoples of many countries in Latin America and elsewhere to undermine their national options, and we did not see that those countries call for holding such meetings, but rather bet on their failure.

Sabbagh noted that holding this emergency special session on the situation in Ukraine comes as part of the anti-Russian campaign, which was preceded by hostile and provocative statements and stances by Western countries to ignite the situation in Ukraine and threaten the security and safety of the Russian Federation and its territorial integrity.

He stressed that Syria has always been keen on highlighting the importance of solving regional and international problems through diplomacy and dialogue and support efforts to maintain security and stability in any spot of tension in the world and supporting the efforts of preserving security and stability in any hotbed of tension in the world, based on its belief in the importance of respecting the principles and purposes of the UN Charter.

Sabbagh expressed Syria’s denunciation of the coordinated campaign launched by the delegations of Western countries and their media arms against Russia, which include the dissemination of hostile misleading information, false allegations, and fabricated pictures and videos aimed at undermining the natural right of the Russian Federation to defend its sovereignty and security and to ward off threats to its people in the manner guaranteed by the UN Charter.

Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations added that the ongoing escalation between Russia and Ukraine is a result of Western countries’ non-abidance by the promises they made to the Russian Federation decades ago and their ignoring of legitimate security concerns.

Sabbagh clarified that the US and Western countries are resorting once again to imposing illegal unilateral coercive measures that violate the principles of international law and the provisions of the Charter and only worsen the situation and make it more complicated, affirming that Syria condemns in the strongest terms the Western policies of imposing siege and collective sanctions on peoples

Ruaa al-Jazaeri


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