With Syria’s participation …Regional Ministerial online meeting about the return to school in the Arab states held

Damascus, SANA-With Syria’s participation, the regional ministerial meeting about the return to school in the Arab states was held via internet.

The meeting , which was inaugurated by a speech of Dr. Hamed Bin Seif al-Hammami ,the Director of Regional office in Beirut of United Nations for Educational ,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNISCO) at the Arab states, aims to bring together Education Ministers and other UN regional and international partners .

The meeting, comprised of four sessions, presented the experiments of Algeria, Bahrain ,Djibouti ,Egypt and Iraq ,followed by Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco , Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia in addition to the experiences of Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

During the meeting, Education Minister Darem Tabbaa reviewed the measures taken by the ministry throughout the period of suspending schools in last March for containing Coronavirus pandemic, referring that these procedures have been carried out according to the requirements of preserving the education level in Syria within ensuring the students’ health and security along with the staffs working in the educational field.

Tabbaa referred that the Ministry worked on ensuring the students’ right to learn, preserving the educational process requirements , following up on the developing of online learning system and maintaining the learners’ health and protecting them from diseases throughout ensuring a safe environment by implementing the health protocol ,in cooperation with the Health ministry along with compensating the learning loss during the period of suspending schools through live lessons via the Syrian TV Channels.

He added that all students in the transitional classes were moved to higher class, while the exams were successfully conducted for the students of intermediate and secondary school certificate within tight healthy measures in cooperation with the civilian and governmental bodies ,pointing out that the learning loss was compensated at the beginning of this academic school year with putting a protocol for the return to school in cooperation with the Health Ministry and the international organizations, in addition to setting three scenarios for the study plan and attending school.

“With starting the academic school year 2020-2021 on Sep 13th ,the number of students who joined school reached nearly about 90% in most areas ,” the minister added.

He affirmed that a campaign for teaching one million child was lunched with the aim of bringing the dropouts back and teaching them through the curriculum B ,along with training expertise teachers on teaching those courses, in addition to securing chances for teaching through educational programs via educational channels and electronic and virtual platforms ,in addition to signing a MoU with the Communications and Technology Ministry to ensure the internet for schools.

Baraa Ali/ Mazen Eyon

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