Al-Bouassi clan pledges to resist the US occupation and its tools in Syrian al-Jazeera

Hasaka, SANA-Al-Buassi Arab clan in Hasaka announced that it will stand with all the tribes and the Arab clans in Deir Ezzor and Syrian al-Jazeera area to resist the US occupation and its tools.

“We announce that al-Bouassi clan will stand strongly with our people in Deir Ezzor from al-Akidat and al-Bakara tribes, and will strongly support our brothers to expel the US occupation and its agents from the Syrian al-Jazeera area,” Sheikh Khatib Elias al-Mustafa, sheikh of al-Buassi Arab clan, said in a statement.

He added that “al-Bouassi clan is fully prepared to implement all that is required of us as a supporting force fighting under the banner of the Syrian Arab Republic and our great army and we disavow those who joined the separatist Qasad militias”.

“We will continue to stand together under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad until full victory and the liberation of all Syrian Arab lands from occupiers and their agents” the statement concluded.

MHD Ibrahim/Mazen Eyon

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