Security Council votes against a Russian draft resolution on the delivery of humanitarian aids to Syria

New York, SANA- The UN Security Council voted against a Russian draft resolution on aid Humanitarian delivery access to Syria through a border crossing for one-year.

The move came few hours after Russia and China vetoed a draft resolution presented by Germany and Belgium at the Security Council that exploits the humanitarian situation in Syria and violates its sovereignty. The draft resolution provides extending the mechanism of humanitarian assistance delivery for six months across borders without coordination with the Syrian government.

Presidency of the Security Council declared that the Russian draft resolution was not adopted at a meeting held on Friday after only 4 countries voted in favor of it, Russia, China and South Africa, Vietnam, while 7 countries opposed it, the United States, Britain and France, Belgium, Germany, Estonia and Dominican and four countries abstained, which are Niger, Saint Vincent, Grenadines, Tunisia, and Indonesia.

Bushra Dabin/ Mazen Eyon

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