WHO calls upon US President not to exploit Coronavirus pandemic for political goals

Geneva, SANA- World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called upon the US President Donald Trump not to politicize the spread of Coronavirus after he has threatened to pull funding the international organization despite off the Coronavirus pandemic.

Quoted by Reuters, Ghbreyesus said, in a press briefing, that “With unity, with solidarity, at a national level and global level, resources will not be a problem,”

He reiterated the necessity of not politicizing the Coronavirus pandemic.

He dismissed Trump’s criticisms to the organization of being align with China, noting that the organization is close to all peoples and do not distinguish between colors.

In a bid to evade his responsibility for failure to face the Coronavirus pandemic spread in the US, Trump threatened to pull funding the WHO.

Hala Zain

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