Army destroys terrorists’ dens in Hama countryside

Hama, SANA- Syrian Arab Army units responded to terrorist groups’ attacks on military points and safe areas in Hama northern countryside by targeting their dens and fortified positions.

SANA’s reporter in Hama said that army units on Monday carried out intensive strikes against the dens and the positions for “al-Izzah Brigades” terrorist organization, which includes hundreds of Foreign mercenaries, at the western outskirts of Kafr Zita and al-Latamina towns in Hama northern countryside, killing and injuring scores of them , and destroying their dens.

Meanwhile,units of the army killed members of terrorist groups from Jabhat al-Nusra in Kfar Zeita of Hama northern countryside, among them Leader Mohammad Abdul-Rahamn al-Rae’e.

Earlier, terrorist groups fired rocket shells on residential neighborhoods in Mhareha City in Hama northern countryside, causing material damage to private and public properties.

Shaza/Hazem Sabbagh


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