400 food and health baskets distributed in Yarmouk Camp

Damascus, SANA – Supported by the Syrian government, the General Authority for Palestine Arab Refugees (GAPAR) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) continued distributing food and health basket to the people of Yarmouk Camp in Damascus who are besieged by terrorists.

GAPAR Director Ali Mustafa said that the 200 food baskets and 200 health baskets were distributed at Rama Street in the Camp on Saturday, bringing the total number of food baskets that have been distributed since January 30th to 51,774 and the health baskets to 7,684.

He added that the UNRWA medical team continues to provide health services to locals at the distribution site, and Nour association for relief and development is providing vaccines.

Hazem Sabbagh

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