Army units tighten noose around foreign-backed terrorists across the country

Provinces, SANA_ Units of the Army and Armed Forces on Friday continued to tighten the noose around foreign-backed terrorist groups in several areas across the country.

A military source told SANA that army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings in Tal al-Hara and on the road to Atman town in the countryside of Daraa province, killing and injuring several of them.

Meanwhile, other army units targeted several gatherings of terrorists in the towns of al-Ghariyeh al-Gharbiyeh, al-Nu’eimeh and the area surrounding al-Mseifra in the countryside of Daraa and at al-Masri roundabout in Daraa al- Balad in the city, eliminating scores of terrorists and injuring others.

The source added that another army unit foiled terrorists’ attempt to infiltrate a military checkpoint in the area surrounding Um al-Mayazen in the countryside, killing scores of them and wounding others.

In the same context, army units destroyed a depot for terrorists that was full of weapons and ammunition in al-Soura town.

Many terrorists were left dead and others wounded as army units targeted them in an area between Shoura town and Deir Maker in the countryside of the southern province of Quneitra, a military source said.

SANA reporter quoted the source as saying that the weapons and ammunition which the terrorists were using were seized.

Other army units killed and injured scores of terrorists in the areas surrounding the towns of al-Taiba, Atman, Tal Mseih, Tal al-Hara and Deir al-Adas and near Nasib border crossing in the countryside of the southern province of Daraa.

Other army units, the source added, destroyed an armored vehicle which terrorists were driving in al-Rawadi area in the city of Quneitra, while another was destroyed at al-Alam roundabout.

Large numbers of terrorists were also killed, others were injured and their vehicles were destroyed as the army targeted their gatherings in Tal Manat al-Hessan, Mas’hara, Nabe’ al-Sakhr, crossroads to Koum al-Basha and Um al-Batina in the countryside.

A military source said that army units eliminated dozens of terrorists and destroyed their dens and a number of vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns in Khan Sheikhon, Maarat Hunta, al-Deir al-Sharqi, Ma’r Hetat , Altmana’a, al-Arba’in mountain and Jidar Bakfaloun in Idleb countryside.

Meanwhile, other army units targeted gatherings of terrorists in Koureen, Abu al-Sbeir and M’arbleet in the countryside of the northern province of
Idleb, leaving numbers of them dead and wounded.

In Homs, the authorities in Palmyra city arrested members of an armed terrorist group who were planning to carry out terrorist attacks against safe inhabitants.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that the authorities arrested the terrorists and seized the weapons which they had, including defensive grenades, four Kalashnikov rifles, ammunition caches, a 14.5 mm heavy machinegun,  electrical wires and fuses to make and explode explosive devices.

Army units targeted terrorists’ concentrations and dens near al-Mahmoud Mosque, the Islamic School, the Industrial School, the Old Police Station, al-Samdi fuel station and al-Hussein Mosque Street in Homs countryside.

A military source said that military operations resulted in the deaths of many terrorists and the injury of others in al-Wa’r neighborhood, al-Farhaniyeh village, KafrLaha area and Wadi al-Kahf in Qusayr southern countryside.

Meanwhile, an army unit repulsed terrorists who tried to sneak from Ein Hussein towards Tal Qasr on the axis of Talbiseh-al-Sa’n, killing many terrorists and wounding others.

Military source told SANA reporter that large numbers of terrorists were killed and their machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed in Jazal, Um Sahreij in the countryside of Homs and in Kafr Hamra and Andan in Aleppo countryside.

Units of the army and armed forces killed numbers of terrorists and wounded others, also destroying vehicles for them after targeting their dens and gatherings in Aleppo province.

A military source said army units pounded terrorists’ concentrations in Handarat camp, al-Shakif, Hanano, al-Shaikh Khodr, Balat, Banan al-Hoss, Khan al-Assal and Babis in Aleppo province.

Army units also targeted terrorists in Kafr Da’el, al-Mallah farms, Zaido, Kafrkar, al-Maajeer, al-Ameriyeh and Dahret al-Sharfiyeh in Aleppo countryside.

In Deir Ezzor, the army killed several terrorists and destroyed a number of cars equipped with heavy machineguns in al-Alaleesh and north to al-Jafra area.

Units of the armed forces killed and injured several terrorists in a number of towns and villages in the countryside of Homs and foiled their infiltration attempts towards al-Ghanto.

A military source told SANA reporter that the army targeted terrorists’ hideouts and gatherings in Taldao, Kafr Nan, Abu Jreis, Izz Eddin, Ein Hussein, east to the Industrial City in Hassiya and al-Wa’er neighborhood in Homs.

Meanwhile, an army unit repelled an attempt by terrorists to infiltrate from north Beit Rabe’aa towards al-Ghanto in Homs countryside, killing and injuring several of them.

According to a military source, army units killed and injured large numbers of terrorists and destroyed several vehicles which they were using while targeting their gatherings in Morek, Kafr Zita, al-Latamneh and Tal Fas in the countryside of Hama.

A military source said army units targeted terrorist concentrations and dens in Nehliya and the vicinity of al-Arba’in mountain in Idleb countryside, killing scores of terrorists and destroying their vehiclesز

Army units targeted concentrations and gatherings of terrorists in the vicinity of al-Sheger town in Jisr al-Shughour, in Maaret al-Nou’man, north of Has, Kafrouma and al-Habit in Idleb countryside.

Several terrorists were killed and their vehicles destroyed.

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