Losses incurred by Industry Ministry’s establishments due to terrorist acts and economic sanctions estimated at SYP 225.353 billion

Damascus, SANA  Ministry of Industry said the direct and indirect losses which its affiliated institutions, companies and establishments have incurred due to terrorist attacks and the unfair internationally-imposed economic sanctions on the country exceeded SYP 225.353 billion.

These estimates cover the losses that were incurred since the beginning of the crisis in the country in 2011 till last July, according to a report prepared by the Ministry, which SANA got a copy of.

The report put the value of the direct losses at SYP 108.550 billion, while the indirect losses were estimated at around SYP 116.803 billion.

The Ministry pointed out in its report that the losses incurred by the General Establishment for Chemical Industries amounted to SYP 60.713 billion, while those suffered by the General Establishment for Cotton Ginning and Marketing exceeded SYP 53.6 billion. The damages were mostly caused by the terrorist organizations’ acts of stealing and burning of cotton.

The General Establishment for Tobacco, for its part, incurred losses that were put at SYP 18.310 billion, while those of the General Establishment for Cement amounted to SYP 31.293 billion.

The Industry Ministry’s report also showed that the losses of the General Establishment for Engineering Industries reached SYP 19.132 billion and those of the General Establishment for Textile Industries were estimated at SYP 23.974 billion.

The value of damages caused to the General Establishment for Food Industries were estimated at about SYP 11.4 billion and those incurred by the General Establishment for Sugar were valued at SYP 7 billion, the report said.

The Ministry’s report assessed the value of the losses incurred by other establishments affiliated to it at about SYP 86 million.

The Ministry however indicated that it has carried out repair and rehabilitation works to a number of affiliated establishments whose value was estimated at SYP 45 million, according to the report.

H. Zain/ H. Said




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