Nasrallah: Conspirators against Syria didn’t reap anything but disappointment and failure

Beirut, SANA – Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said that after six years of the terrorist war on Syria, the regional and international forces that conspired against Syria didn’t reap anything but disappointment and failure.

In a speech on Saturday, Nasrallah said that the forces that conspired against Syria thought that they could topple Syria in two or three months, but today they are faced with the bitter truth that they failed despite the tens of billions of dollars spent in the war against Syria.

He noted that this money that was spent to fund terrorism, buy tons of weapons, and ferry tens of thousands of terrorists from around the world to destroy Syria could have been used to eliminate poverty in the Arab world, end the famine in Somalia, build houses for Palestinians in Gaza, affix Palestinians in Jerusalem, provide thousands of job opportunities for Arab youths, and fight illiteracy.

Nasrallah said that terrorist suicide bombings that target civilians in Damascus or Homs or Baghdad show the strategic and military failure of terror organizations.

He went on to say that the Israeli enemy, which interferes under various pretexts and targets Syrian Army positions to support ISIS and other terror groups, is terrified of the prospect of ISIS being defeated in Syria because this defeat is a victory for the resistance axis and means the failure of the plot that Israel has been backing for six years.

Nasrallah said that the end of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, and other Takfiri terrorist groups is coming, and that the forces that supported and funded them are now abandoning them because they discovered that this viper they brought about has become a threat to them.

He noted that factions of the “Syrian opposition” don’t have a national project and don’t know what they want, and they are in a state of disarray as they are lost between embassies and intelligence agencies.

Nasrallah called on those who had mistakenly believed themselves to be fighting for the homeland or the nation or Islam to wake up and lay down their weapons because they are actually fighting in the stead of Israel and America.

Hazem Sabbagh

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