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Video SANA

March, 2019

  • 2 March

    Distinctive designs in exhibition of ” Syria is a Bright Candle”

  • 2 March

    Statement by Dr. al-Jaafari during Security Council’s session on situation in Syria

  • 2 March

    New batches of displaced Syrians return from Lebanon

  • 1 March

    More displaced Syrians return home from Lebanon

  • 1 March

    A-Jaafari speech during UN Security Council’s session on the situation in Syria

February, 2019

  • 28 February

    Eight tons of highly explosive materials left behind by terrorists found in southern region

  • 28 February

    Tens of displaced Syrians return from Refugee camps in Jordan

  • 27 February

    Statement by al-Jaafari at Security Council

  • 27 February

    The 10th Annual Conference of Arabic Language Forum kicks off in Damascus

  • 26 February

    President al-Assad pays a work visit to Tehran