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Video SANA

May, 2016

  • 27 May

    Premier al-Halaqi inaugurates projects worth SYP 4 billion in Sweida

  • 27 May

    Hundreds of people from Damascus Countryside join “Qalamoun shield” forces to fight terrorism

  • 25 May

    Choir of Joy sings for the homeland at Opera House

  • 25 May

    Russian aid distributed to people of Jayroud city and al-Atna village in Damascus Countryside

  • 23 May

    Seven terrorist bombings rock the cities of Jableh and Tartous

    Lattakia/Tartous, SANA – Four terrorist bombings rocked Jableh city in Lattakia and three others hit Tartous city, targeting bus stations, neighborhoods and hospitals and leaving tens of people dead and …

  • 20 May

    The 12th International Cartoon Contest opens activities at Opera House


  • 20 May

    SANA wins two awards for sports journalism

  • 17 May

    US and Israeli made weapons bound for terrorists in Badiya seized in Sweida

  • 17 May

    TECHNO BUILD 2016 Expo held in Damascus

  • 17 May

    Reconciliation Minister meets delegations from Kefraya, al-Fouaa, Madaya and al-Zabadani