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Video SANA

November, 2016

  • 20 November

    Syrian Arab Army eliminates 12 terrorists in Braq area in northern countryside of Daraa province

  • 20 November

    Al-Hujra Choir band performs concert entitled “Colors”

  • 18 November

    Minister of Interior Trade and Consumer Protection inspects situation in Moukharam town in Homs

  • 18 November

    Minister of Interior Trade and Consumer Protection inspects situation in Moukharam town in Homs

  • 18 November

    Army continues chasing terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra in Khan al-Sheeh in Damascus Countryside

  • 17 November

    Russian food packages distributed to displaced families in Daraa

  • 17 November

    Significant performance for the Syrian National Symphony Orchestra at Dar Al Assad for Culture and Arts

  • 17 November

    A blood donation campaign to support the heroes of Syrian Arab Army

  • 17 November

    Syrian Armed Forces celebrate the 46 anniversary of the glorious Correctionist Movement

  • 17 November

    Honoring 150 of the families of the martyred and kidnapped army personnel and of the allies and supporting forces