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Video SANA

December, 2016

  • 23 December

    Army General Command announces restoration of security and stability to Aleppo after liberating it from terrorists

  • 23 December

    Footage of Aleppo eastern neighborhoods after liberating it from terrorists

  • 23 December

    5 killed, 11 injured in terrorist attacks with shells in Daraa and Izraa cities

  • 23 December

    Celebrations of Aleppo residents of restoring stability and security to the City

  • 23 December

    “The Father” film directed by Bassel al-Khateeb screened in Damascus-based Cinemacity

  • 22 December

    Charity bazaar for students with disabilities at Damascus University

  • 22 December

    Video showing the terrorist who sent his daughter to blow herself up in al-Midan Police Department

  • 20 December

    Criminal acts of the terrorists in the Old City of Aleppo

  • 20 December

    Terrorist attacks on al-Sabil neighborhood in Daraa

  • 20 December

    Al-Farah Choir performs at Dar al-Assad for Culture and Arts celebrating Christmas and New Year