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Video SANA

April, 2017

  • 10 April

    The army destroys dens of ISIS terrorists on the southern feet of al-Mazbad Mountain and Talet al-Taj in Palmyra Countryside

  • 10 April

    Damascus Countryside Governor tours Fadloun industrial area


  • 9 April

    Commemorating the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Islamic Scholar al-Bouti


  • 8 April

    Hundreds of Americans demonstrate in New York in protest against US aggression on Syria


  • 8 April

    Speech of Deputized chargé d’affaires of Syria’s delegation during the session of the Security Council

  • 8 April

    Demonstrations outside Trump Tower in New York in condemnation of the US aggression on Syria

  • 7 April

    A statement by the Army and Armed Forces General Command

  • 7 April

    Gen. Ayyoub inspects al-Shairat Airbase in the southeastern countryside of Homs

  • 5 April

    Army’s operations in the northern countryside of Hama central province

  • 5 April

    Terrorist attack with a mortar shell causes a material damage to one of the offices at Damascus University