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Video SANA

May, 2017

  • 10 May

    Blood donation campaign by Ministry of Industry in appreciation of sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army

  • 10 May

    Musical evening for singer Sham al-Kurdi at the Opera House

  • 10 May

    Book of “A story of war…Syria 2011-2016” signed at al-Assad National Library

  • 9 May

    Lt. Gen. Ayoub participates in a celebration held by the Russian forces working in Syria on occasion of Victory Day, which commemorates victory over Nazism

  • 9 May

    A Sit-in outside the ICRC office in Damascus to express solitary with captives on hunger strike in Israeli jails


  • 9 May

    Honoring of the excelled students in the Martyrs’ Sons and Daughters Schools on the Martyrs’ Day

  • 9 May

    Press conference of Foreign Minister Walid al – Moallem

  • 8 May

    Activities of Servex 2017 expo

  • 8 May

    Syrian Arab Army operations in the eastern countryside of Homs

  • 6 May

    Military media camera tours al-Shumaryieh Mountains in Homs Countryside after establishing control over them